Being a services company, infoWave believes in resources of the Company and ensures quality assurance by following rigorous processes to ensure the best work in infoWave. We recruit top Engineers and Professionals with Degrees from leading Academic Institutes in related areas and after a tough and strenuous recruitment program. These resources are trained in the latest technologies and structured methodologies using state-of-the-art tools in their respective technical areas. The trained professionals then work on projects in-house prior to their availability for direct customer projects from leading Organizations in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and elsewhere.

The Company's efficiency is closely linked with motivation and productivity of its employees and infoWave leaves no stones unturned in order to ensuring quality as promised to the Client. The Company has strong retention programs and the on-going training in new technologies and tools is indeed a continuing process.

All employees, professionals and stakeholders of infoWave are elible for group company Silicon Interfaces' Employee Stock Option Plan and hence, own shares of the group Company.

infoWave believes in equal opportunity and has programs to enhance participation by all sections without compromising Company's aims, goals and objectives.


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